“Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.”
-Albert Einstein
Law, after all, is an expression of the human mind, not, necessarily, of the human heart.
As much as Congress seems intent on weighing in on matters beyond its control – from MoveOn.org to Rush Limgaugh – it serves no purpose than to engender intolerance. A muddling of what freedom of expression really means – a sign of the times.
One or the other may be repugnant (and in fact, one is – the one that smokes a cigar – but that’s just my opinion).
Freedom of public expression does have its limits. But those limits should never be any one ideology’s – or idealogue’s – comfort zone.
Freedom hurts. Get over it. Not everybody is going to be just like you. Or me.
Thank God.