geralt / Pixabay
“I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.”
-Albert Einstein
Success comes to those that have failed enough.
geralt / Pixabay
“I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right.”
-Albert Einstein
Success comes to those that have failed enough.
“I cannot accept any concept of God based on the fear of life or the fear of death or blind faith. I cannot prove to you that there is no personal God, but if I were to speak of him I would be a liar.” -Albert Einstein
2012 sec = 33:32
3332 sec = 0.9255555 hour
—>Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 925 (jewish)
20:12 = (1212) sec
—>12:12 = 732 sec
—>7:32 opposite 5:28
—>Yehoshua = 528 (heb)
20:12 is opposite (4:48) on a clock face
—>0.4488888 hr = 1616 sec
—>What is God’s Number? = 1616 (jewish)
16 x 16 = 256
—>2.56666 = 2:34 (see below)
(4:48) = 4.8 min
0.48 hr = 1728 sec
17:28 = 5:28 PM
—>Yehoshua = 528 (heb.)
48 x 48 = (2304)
The Number of the Messiah = 234 (eng.)
The Number of Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 1451 (jew.)
—>14:51 = 2:51 PM
—>25.1 min = 1506 sec
—>15:06 = 3:06 PM
—>The Name of God = 306 (jew.)
The Beginning of Time (Gen 1 ; Isa. 49:10 ; 2 Thess 2 ; Rev. 22:13)
—>12:00:00 AM = 00:00:00 (sextuplet void)
—>1200000 sec = 33.3333 hr
333 sec = 0.0925 hr (Yehoshua HaMeshiach)
—->If Yehoshua claims to be creator; then the numbers prove it. But is he really coming …or even real? (see Strong Delusion)
The Creation Hour (12:00:00)
—>12:00:00 (hr/hr/sec hand at 12/12/12)
—>121212 sec = 2020.20 min
—>20:20:20 = (hr/min/sec hand at 8/4/4)
844 sec = 14.06666 min
—->0.1466666 hr = 528/sec (Yehoshua)
—>Again, math says He is who He says He is (Ex. 3:14-15)
844 sec = (0.234444) hr
23:34 is opposite 1:26
—>1:26 = 86 sec
—>God = 86 (heb)
2:34 is opposite 10:26
—>1026 sec = 17:06
—>17:06 is opposite 7:54
—->Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 754 (heb.)
—>Shem Qadshi “My Holy Name” = 754 (heb)
The Number of the Messiah = 234 (english) 333 (reverse)
The Number of Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 199 (eng)
—>19.9 min = 19:54
—>19:54 = 7:54 PM
7:54 = 7.9 min
79 sec = 13.16666 min
13:16 opposite 23:44
The Number Three Hundred Thirty Three = 1904 (jewish)
—>1904 sec = 0.5288888 hr (Yehoshua)
19:04 = 7:04
—>704 sec = 11:44
—>11:44 PM = (23:44)
Yeshua = 704 (jew.)
Yehoshua HaMeshiach = 173 (eng.)
0.1733333 min = 104 sec
1:04 opposite 11:56
—>(1156) sec = (0.321111) hr
—>3:21 PM = 15:21
1156 = 34 x 34
12:34 AM = 00:34
—->12:34 = (754) sec
1521 = 39 x 39
—>The Name = 39 (heb)
11.56666 min = 11:34
11:34 PM = 23:34
The Name = 345 (heb)
3:45 = min/hr hand at (3/9)
Hundredth time when he found that nobody is bothered about truth; he decided that his trickeries must be right. This has been shown mathematically, theoretically & experimentally through scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals consequently his theories have been openly challenge. Now read following open letter.
An open letter to NASA, ESA & CERN.
The paradigm of physics adopted by NASA, ESA & CERN has been shown to be fundamentally incorrect & baseless through published scientific article “Experimental & Theoretical Evidences of Fallacy of Space-time Concept and Actual State of Existence of the Physical Universe’ (www.indjst.org; March2012) available at http://www.indjst.org/index.php/indjst/article/view/30369/26297 and consequently openly challenged & the open challenge is available at http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Abstracts&tab1=Display&id=6476&tab=2 and also at http://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Essays/View/4018.
Are not you under moral obligation to accept the challenge before proceeding any further with wastage of public money on the name of research?